The Foundation is a certified 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity organization.
Your support helps our causes of promoting alternative teaching methods in the classroom, student creativity, and creating scholarships for students interested in pursuing careers as teachers. None of your donation goes for salaries or administrative expense (other than PayPal fees). 100% of the rest goes to the cause! Every dollar helps.
- $10 – Covers a credit-hours’ worth of textbook rental
- $10 (monthly recurring) – Equivalent of a student’s entire semester book rental expense
- $100 – Equivalent of a two-year college semester hour
- $100 (monthly recurring) – Equivalent of a semester’s tuition at a two-year college.
- For every $5,000 the Foundation receives, we can endow a scholarship in perpetuity.
We also use these donations to provide books for libraries, purchase games for various other non-profit organizations, as well as other assistance for low-income students such as dress clothes for interviews. Your help gives us the change to together make a difference in education!
Your donation is tax-deductible whether done one-time or recurring. We are thankful for all help received with our mission!